Friday, August 14, 2015

The last time I wrote it was 6 years ago and life was so much different then.   In that missing 6 years I have had 3 or 4 kinds of cancer, both breasts removed (each 2 years apart) and somewhere in there was placed on oxygen along with other maladies with which I had to deal.   It has been a journey I didn't expect and one I wouldn't have chosen,  but one that I have made and I have come out on the other side.   Still on oxygen but I'm going strong and soon will be moving.   .

 I  have come to a time when I am going to be saying Goodbye to Shenandoah Drive.  Almost 50 years I have spent on Shenandoah Drive in this house -- My 52 year old son was 2 when we moved in and his two sisters were'hatched' here.   I didn't see this moving as being a big deal in the beginning but this morning I took my coffee and sat out there on my patio and everywhere I looked there was something happening.   I 'saw' Bruno, the Doberman we loved sooo much out there guarding my elderly mother......I 'saw' my husband pouring cement into a form for a stone for Bruno's grave and I 'saw' us and friends all gathered there as we placed his ashes in the ground.   I  'saw' a much thinner, younger lady out there at 3:00 in the morning hiding easter eggs and I 'saw' little children running around, finding them.

 I remember how it smelled of drywall and fresh sawdust when we opened the door.     Every nail hole in the trimwork was filled with wood putty and these hands.   (we did our own painting to save money).   My husband and I were in our 20s and so young when we took the leap and moved into this addition along with all the other then young families.   We did Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and lots of community work and PTA and church (I directed the choir at one time) and finally the kids grew up and away.   And then grandchildren began coming to Shenandoah Drive.    And then a heart attack took my love away on our 38th wedding anniversary and I was alone on Shenandoah Drive.

And now it's time for me to move on to an easier way of life -- I didn't expect the feelings I am beginning to experience but I'm sure it's all part of the letting go and so I decided to 'journal my journey' if you will on my Blog.  I think it will help me thru this journey much like my walker helps me journey walks that might prove too hard.  

So, stay posted -- this next week I'll be making my decision about the communities I'll be going into.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Big Bird -- are you still there?

If Big Bird no longer appears on Sesame Street, I think I know what happened to him......he was occupying center stage on my Son's Thanksgiving Day table!!! My word, I have never seen such a huge, magnificent bird -- (only on Sesame Street --- noooooo, my son surely wouldn't have. . . . . .)

I guess my daughter-in-law asked for the biggest turkey they had and drug home this almost 30 pound beauty. I warned my son not to let their chickens see this when he placed it on the grill or they'd drop dead in their tracks!!! At any rate, he cooked it on the grill and I have to say (not being overly fond of turkey) that it was the best thing I think I've had in a LOOOOOONG time -- fork tender, buttery, and juicy. Dana, you did a fine job -- thank you:)

What a beautiful day with all the family there -- and I noticed this year, that the Grandchildren have grown beyond having to be 'tended' during dinner ...... they were all in the family room enjoying the food and each other while the adults FINALLY got to enjoy a holiday meal around the table with no interruptions. Ranging in ages from almost 4 to almost 19, it never ceases to amaze me how much they enjoy each other -- from youngest to oldest. They were busy all day with all the electronic gadgetry in the attached family room (with door closed, thank goodness) playing some sort of guitar game which plays thru the TV -- one on drums, two on guitars, and one singing into a mike . We also had Sam on the piano!! It appears that when a certain color flashed on the screen they had to thump, strum, or sing -- tried to find out more, but I was informed that I would never understand it as I was too old and not up to date on the new electronic stuff. (young whippersnappers!) I also have news for them -- Grandma isn't nearly as behind the times as they would like to think but what the heck, I let them believe whatever they want if it makes them feel better:)

I have to say though, after observing this electronically orchestrated thing, I think I had a lot more fun when I was their age and my family (all 8 aunts & uncles & various cousins) got together for everybody could play an instrument (some more than one) and sing and we made our own music and it was GOOD!! (Plus, we didn't have to depend on a light to tell us what and when to play). Oh well, enough about that -- starting to sound like an 'old person'LOL

I do have to share a picture of my daughter-in-law's latest endeavor -- raising chickens. I have to say, they produce the best tasting eggs I've had since I was a kid and I give her an A+ for this endeavor.......all the difference in the world from the pasty light yellow yolks in the eggs we buy at the store -- rich, dark dark yellow yolksand wonderfully thick!! This is a picture of Rachel taking the 'city raised cousins' out to gather eggs -- fortunately Sam didn't create any trauma with them and got to see one lay an egg!!

Well, enough for now -- one more Thanksgiving behind me and hopefully many more to look forward to.
Hope you and yours had a great day too.
Mynde, I gotta give you the 'Black Friday of the Month Award' for always mustering up enough energy and courage to be out there at midnite with all the other 'crazies' scarfing up those Black Friday deals -- PLUS, I don't know what kind of magic you use on Dan to get him to go with you!!! Love ya, honey!!
Gotta go -- Christmas is coming at us and I've gotta be ready. House is getting cleaned, garland and lights hung etc., etc.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mr. L

I wondered why my husband came to me in my dreams last night -- in fact, I remember wondering during the dream why he was spending time with me now -- it had been quite a while since he died that he had come to me thru the only way that we can now be together....and woke up this morning remembering that it was November 24th -- what would've been our 47th Wedding Anniversary!!

You see, 47 years ago today we were married, my Mr. L and I. I will briefly introduce you to him -- he was a big, well-muscled man standing almost 6'3" tall whose hair turned blonde in the summer sun and his skin a golden color accenting his icy blue eyes....a country boy who grew up knowing all the hard work of bailing hay in the summer, picking tomatoes -- whatever work was available to earn money while in high school -- and graduating to go on into the Marine "Corps which finished molding him into the man that I grew to love and who made my heart sing!!

He knew all the dirty words and foul language but I never heard him use them in front of a woman or child. He was well-mannered and only chose to spend his time with people he respected and cared about (if you were allowed into his close circle you were indeed a superb human being). He did his job well and I don't remember him missing work because he was sick. He never demanded out of people who worked for him that which he wasn't willing and able to do himself. And I always felt safe with him -- heaven help the person or persons who threatened to harm himself, his loved ones or his family.

He loved to fish and hunt and enjoyed outdoor sports. When we were dating and first married, he would take me out to the country ponds in the winter after the ice froze solid, build a bonfire and work at teaching me to ice skate (which I learned and grew to love -- especially watching snow fall softly in the quite of the country on those ponds). He always brought a flask of peach brandy to 'warm you up inside' but I realize as I write this that it probably was to loosen me up so that I wouldn't be so afraid of trying to iceskate. He LOVED cold weather and it never seemed to affect him -- he always attributed this to winter survival training at Pickle Meadows in the mountains in California during his stint in the Marine Corps.

I first caught his attention as he was driving to work on that ice and snow one day -- I was waiting in the median to finish crossing the street as he drove by and when he turned back to take a second look, I wasn't standing there anymore -- no, I was flat on my back in the middle of the street having fallen on that ice and snow and so after that he began watching for me in the mornings. We had a mutual friend (tho we didn't know it at the time) who worked with me and was always trying to fix us up but we both kept telling him 'no' for he was geeky and neither of us wanted to date one of his 'geeky' friends:) Plus, my Mr. L kept telling him there was this girl on 16th street he wanted to meet....but Bill was very persistent and we finally agreed to a blind date to get him off our backs and lo and behold, I was 'that girl' he had been wanting to meet. Six months later, on this date, we started our journey thru life together. TALK ABOUT DESTINY!!!

Sadly enough, thirty eight years later on this date, my Mr. L had a massive coronary here at home and I never got to talk with him again -- except in my dreams where occasionally he comes back to visit.

Oh, I so miss your presence -- waking up to the clunk of your coffee cup on the kitchen table -- the rattle of the newspaper you were reading -- the sound of your footsteps.....being awakened for a trip to Michigan with 'Sharon, my love'......all the little things you did around here that I wasn't aware of til you were no longer here to do them. I so miss all that, Mr. L.

But, I also am so grateful for all that and the memories -- the ice skating on the pond -- watching you build snowmen with our children in the winter -- never having to fight the ice and snow by myself for you always did it for me -- the spring and summer fishing trips --- watching you leave to go pheasant and quail hunting in the fall and the wonderful wild game dinners which I knew would follow soon after..........for taking such good care of me in our journey together -- for all this, I thank you Mr. L.

So Happy Anniversary My Love -- I'll see you in my dreams:)

Missy L

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh migosh, they're all grown up

So, here I am, one old broad, coming to you to share MY views from MY end of the path we call 'Life'. Just seems like yesterday that my husband and I built this house and moved into it --- had to be -- surely to goodness 42 years doesn't pass that quickly!! I was just turning 26 when we moved here and now my children are much older than that (sorry, kids:) But, I guess it does -- 'time flies when you're having fun!!' ( first boring, been around and repeated for years, tidbit!!)

At any rate, after living here alone for 9 years now(tune in another day to find out what happened to my husband), am seeing the great need to 'downsize' all that stuff that you 'shove into drawers, closets -- anyplace to get it out of sight, all those things which you don't want to trash'.....after all 'out of sight, out of mind' (OMGosh they just come popping out of my head right into my fingers and onto the keyboard!!!! -- sorry), I found this wonderful thing I cut out of the Gradeschool newsletter when my children were there (40 some-odd years ago) and I feel compelled to begin my Blog Journey with this.

I remember, upon watching my grown-up children raising THEIR children now, how hectic that time was and how there never seemed to be enough hours in the day to get everything done, and so I remember so many times saying 'not now -- maybe later' etc., etc., etc. and thinking that tomorrow I'd do that with them and 'tomorrow never came' (yes, a third one!).

PERHAPS some of you young mothers out there will stumble upon me and it will help you get your priorities where they should be now -- with your children......the world will wait while you perform this SO IMPORTANT, ESPECIALLY TODAY job -- from my end of the spectrum now I can see how society changed when women began to be convinced that there were more important things than being a homemaker. Now most of us have to work with times being what they are(however, I am seeing a trend back to stay at home moms /this will be another day's blog/), but the following may help you place the proper priorities on the spare time you have. Enjoy:)


My hands were busy through the day
I didn't have much time to play
the little games you asked me to...........
I didn't have much time for you.

I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook,
But when you'd bring your picture book
And ask me please to share your fun,
I'd say "A little later, hon".

I'd tuck you in all safe at night
And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tiptoe softly to the door...
I wish I'd stayed a minute more.

For life is short, the years rush past --
A little child grows up so fast.
No longer are they at your side,
their precious secrets to confide.

The picture books are put away,
There are no longer games to play....
No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear --
That all belongs to yesteryear.

My hands, once busy, now are still..
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I could go back and do
The little things you asked me to.

(author unknown)

So much for my first Blog -- thank you, Mynde(my baby) for showing me the way.